Celia's Island Journalby Celia Thaxteradapted and Illustrated by Loretta Krupinski A children's picture book, first published in 1992 (reprinted 2016), adapted from Among the Isles of Shoals by Celia Thaxter. About the AuthorCELIA LAIGHTON THAXTER (1835–1894) was one of the most popular poets of the late nineteenth century and a leading literary figure who counted among her friends such writers as John Greenleaf Whittier, Sarah Orne Jewett, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. She is best remembered today for her non-fiction books, An Island Garden and Among the Isles of Shoals. Ordering Informationwww.shopsonstar.comSoftcover, $16.00, 32 pp. color illus., 8 x 10" ISBN 978-0-9742414-6-3, 2016 reprint, produced by Peter E. Randall Publisher
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